PSP Motorsports

UX Design | UX Research | UI Design | Branding | Interaction Design
Project Overview
PSP Motorsports is a small design and manufacturing company in the automotive market that creates small batch, hand-crafted dress-up components for the growing light duty truck industry. The existing e-commerce site was developed to feature their products alongside a significantly broader catalog of third-party components. As the site was transitioning to focus solely on their private label, my goal was to increase the usability of the site, improve the shopping experience, and capture the brand narrative in a clean and functional design.
PROJECT | Branding and E-commerce redesign
TIMELINE | 1 Month
MY ROLE | UX/UI Design Lead | UX Research
TOOLS | Pen & Paper | Illustrator | Photoshop | Sketch | Webflow | InVision


(Re)Imagine a brand.

The inspiration for this project revolved around a digression from the big-box, marketplace model that PSP Motorsports (PSP) originally planned. This site model did not resonate with their customers who expected to find a more personal interaction indicative of a small brand. The project revolved around a reorientation of perspective, seeking to tell the story of a luxury brand deeply rooted in quality, community, and innovation.


Understanding the Market and User

The light-duty diesel truck industry has evolved from the blue-collar, farm and work truck segment most common over the past 30 years, to a refined, high-end consumer base who demands a vehicle platform that sits comfortably alongside the traditional luxury class.  In order to pace this shift in consumer expectations, manufacturers in the aftermarket space needed to better understand the opinions and behaviors of their customers in order to design better products and better experiences.  

I began the project by interviewing current customers about their needs and motivations to better understand the perceived value points of the brand.  This research included a survey that allowed access to a broader section of the community and helped us refine our user personas. Ethnographic studies conducted throughout the project revolved around interactions with the current e-commerce site as well as observations of brand/customer interactions at tradeshows.


Tinkering under the hood

As the existing e-commerce site was developed under a number of false assumptions, both pertaining to customers AND brand owners, my discovery sought to find insights about the average user, how they searched for parts, and what product features were important to them. I also sought to understand the brand owner's vision of their own products and how they had historically interacted with users.

User Survey

100 Participants
Google Forms Survey

Insights from this survey confirmed some assumptions, but surprised us in other regards. The quality of the PSP product line was the leading attractor for consumers, as expected, but the brand owners were surprised that product users rated their satisfaction as 'moderately satisfied' instead of 'extremely satisfied'. We were also surprised by the volume of +45 aged customers, as the brand has traditionally been focused on younger demographics.

Follow-up interviews with customers who completed the survey reported these reasons for being satisfied to moderately satisfied with their purchase:

Shopping Experience

  • Issues with finding products on the website
  • Not receiving a shipment confirmation when product ships
  • No installation instructions

Product Experience

  • Some difficulty installing the product
  • Not knowing how to keep the product clean

User Personas



About | Chase is 25, unmarried and works in the oil and gas industry. He is very active in the local automotive community and loves showing his truck off at auto shows.

Values | Chase values individuality, recognition, authenticity, adventure, and community.

Goals | Chase wants to find products that allow him to express his own personality and vision and that also get him recognition by his peers.



About | Brent is 47, married and has 3 kids. He owns a general contracting business with 4 employees. Brent has a fleet of trucks he uses for work, but also has a newer truck for his personal use.

Values | Brent values knowledge, quality, beauty, honesty, and trustworthiness.

Goals | Brent wants high quality parts to increase the durability and reliability of his trucks. He also enjoys well made products that he can admire for his personal satisfaction.



About | Katie is 28, unmarried and works in real estate. She has a passion for automotive culture. Customizing her truck is an opportunity to show her unique style and participate in a community of like-minded people.

Values | Katie values reputation, success, friendship, individuality, loyalty, and respect.

Goals | Katie wants to fulfill her design vision by thoughtfully selecting products for her vehicle. She also wants to install the products on her own.


Luxury meets function

With the information gathered during the discovery phase, I formulated a model for the
e-commerce store that would address user pain-points regarding access to information and navigability of the site while also highlighting the quality of the brand by speaking to the bespoke craftsmanship that each piece receives.

Mobile First

The team wasn't surprised that the majority of users were coming from mobile devices, but we knew we could improve the mobile experience. A responsive design created an adaptive platform that would offer incredible interactions via mobile, but could easily change to accommodate desktop and tablet customers.

Beautiful Images

Holding a well-made product, turning it over in your hands and enjoying the many facets of thoughtful construction is a special experience. How could I recreate this on the digital landscape? Our greatest hope was using stunning visuals of the products and the brand story that surrounds them. Taking into account the majority of business was generated through social media and friend referrals, I wanted to create a system that would allow the community to participate in the story through their own visuals.


Good frame, needs body work.

Information architecture for any e-commerce site is critical to its usability, so we spent some time examining this challenge, after which we progressed to sketches, wireframes, and a working prototype to test the user flow.

Information Architecture

After referring back to our user pain-points, feedback on the current site, and accounting for the dramatic change in product catalog, I decided a significantly flatter IA would facilitate measurable improvements in the user's ability to find what they need. The PSP product offerings were relatively minimal, so we wanted to allow customers to not only find a specific product easily, but also have exposure to other applicable items.


PSP was using an existing e-commerce framework, so my sketching goals were more focused on roughing in the elements that would simplify user flows, create a clean and modern aesthetic, and draw attention to featured images. Moving through wireframes, I blocked in the critical features in order to quickly move to user testing. I wanted to evaluate our assumptions around user mental models pertaining to search, product information, and customer/brand interactions.


Behind the wheel

User testing was critical to understanding if customers would be in the same lane as our team. I created a clickable prototype that addressed 4 evaluative tasks, critical to the success of this project.

Usability Testing

Five participants were recruited for testing, each asked to complete four tasks based on scenarios that aligned with user pain-points and the goals of our personas.

1 | You saw a coolant reservoir on a friends truck and wanted to buy one for yourself. Show me how you would purchase one for your truck.

2 | You just bought a new vehicle and wanted to see what PSP products were available for it. Show me how you would search for all the parts that fit your vehicle.

3 | You wanted to see how a product looked when installed on different vehicles. Show me where you would look to find these photos.

4 | You placed an order and haven't received notification that it has shipped. Where do you go to check on the status?


Overall, participants were happy with the interface and able to accomplish tasks easily, yet we gathered some key insights during our testing.
To remove user uncertainty around receipt of their order, we'll add a live chat button to facilitate communication.
#Curbside | While we still need to workshop the title of this section, it represents a searchable repository of product images. It is an ongoing conversation between brand and community, giving customers a means to share their individuality and to seek inspiration.
PSP is always looking for feedback to expand their product line. We also want customers have an open feedback channel to facilitate interactions. This communication could launch a new product, or at the very least, keep the conversation going.


Ready for the green flag

With our testing, observational data, and business goals in hand, the final designs captured the #built mentality that has driven the growth of this industry, a thriving sub-culture who's heart has beat since bootleggers modified the first Ford Model T.

Visual Elements

Logo Design

PSP had a logo they were happy with, so I simply cleaned up the lines and refreshed the color palette.

Color strategy

Beyond the highlight color present in the logo, I chose a cool color palette indicative of the metal finishes that make their product so memorable. I also wanted to avoid the over-used red and black scheme that seems to grace so many automotive brands. In addition, many of the vehicles they feature are boldly colored, so a neutral palette would compliment them.

Final Design

The final design vision included a responsive grid layout, allowing the format to scale to any device. I wanted to avoid the typical flat white background you see in so many product images, so we formatted a light blue background to create a focal point. The actual product image extends slightly beyond the background for a more dynamic and layered experience.

Mobile Experience

The mobile experience was designed around single screen layouts, minimizing the amount of swiping needed to access information. I placed clear conversion-generating C.T.A.s that quickly funnel interested browsers into buying customers.

PSP identified 'educated growth' as a primary goal of their product line. In response, I placed a C.T.A on each category page, allowing users to quickly request products that aren't currently available.


In order to create a more dynamic shopping experience, the #kurbside section allowed users to view products installed on vehicles, as well as experience the level of customization that is possible. We also wanted to facilitate the continued conversation between brand and customer, beyond the noise of most social platforms, so I create a form to allow users to submit their photos directly to the management team for sharing.


The numbers don't lie.
An early launch of this e-commerce redesign produced an increase of 34% in sales, with cart-to-detail rate and buy-to-detail rate both increasing by 14% or more. Longterm evaluation of the site has not been possible there were checkout issues that needed to be address by the developer. Site development is ongoing, and once relaunched, I would have liked to run addition user testing to confirm my design decisions and continue to improve the usability of the site.
Usability extends forward and back.
Another primary goal of the redesign included increased productivity among the management team. The framework allowed easy catalog updates, a streamlined product photography template and integration across social channels. I established business accounts on all social channels and launched branded, shoppable posts that increased sales on the advertised products at least 23% during the campaigns. The integration was not easy, though, and I believe the help of a dedicated marketing team would have improved our returns significantly.